Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Busy Bee

This is a supremely busy social week for me. Monday was practically my only night this week without any plans, so I took my time and had a great 6 mile run through the neighborhood to Target and back. The weather was cool and just short of raining and my calves didn't cramp at all. I felt so good 2 miles in that I decided to turn it into a tempo run. 2 mile warmup, 3 mile 10k pace, 1 mile cool down. Just for good measure, I RICE'd afterwards. I had to take yesterday off for reasons beyond my control, but I really wanted to run.

Tonight, I'm squeezing in a 4 mile jog around Allen Parkway before the baseball game. Go Astros! I'm so proud of my boys. They may have started dead last, but they have really picked it up the last 5 games and I'm excited to see them play tonight. The rest of the week I'll be squeezing runs in as well, but I guess this is the life I've chose. If I have to give up something, it'll be my social calender, not my running schedule.

Next Tuesday is my birthday. I usually have a whole week of activities planned to celebrate but for some reason this year I just haven't. It just doesn't feel like it's time for another birthday. I figured since I've been kinda "blah" about work lately that I'll take at least half the day off and do some me things (haircut, massage, etc). But I'm thinking, I originally scheduled myself to have the day off from running, but now I'm wondering if a nice run in the morning might be just what I need. Would you run on your birthday or would you take the day off from activity?

Oh, and I'm so excited! We'll find out if we are selected for the Nike Women's Marathon by Friday!

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